By Lisa Mason

Are you planning to print your own plastic cards or ID cards? There are many different scenarios in which you may need to print your own cards. Maybe you need the cards for school or for a small business you own. Have you been paying another company to print your ID cards for you? If so, then you probably already know how expensive this process can be. It's also challenging to get the cards printed exactly how you want them. It can be a frustrating process if the cards turn out to be wrong or with even a small mistake. Even if you get the mistakes corrected free of cost, you will have to wait all over again to have them reprinted and mailed out.

If you learn to print your own plastic cards, you can take a great deal of this stress and pressure out of the process. When you print them yourself, you can have direct control over your cards, what they look like, their size and more. If you print one and it doesn't come out right, you can go immediately back to your machine and just try again.

Card Printer Hardware

Printing ID cards with your own card printer doesn't have to be difficult. It connects to your computer just like your paper printer and will print out the same way except instead of printing on paper, it prints your image on plastic cards.

If you're going to print your own plastic cards, there are certain pieces of hardware you're going to need to do the job correctly. Here is an overview:


Just like your paper printer needs ink ribbons or ink cartridges, so will your card printer. Card printer ribbons are made specifically for printing on cards and will get the job done right so that you can have professional quality cards, printed right in your own home or office.


Laminating is very important to protect the card, especially with ID cards or badges that get used on a daily basis. There are different ways of achieving lamination but one of the easiest is purchasing laminates which fit over the cards like sleeves and will protect them and make them last longer.

Cleaning Kits

Proper maintenance is very important to keep your card printer working properly and for a long time. To get the most from your machine, you will want to purchase cleaning kits to keep it operating at top performance.

PVC Cards

You can purchase PVC cards for printing on. There are many different styles, colors and qualities to choose from, but you have freedom in finding the perfect ones for your needs.

These are just a few of the main pieces of card printer hardware you will need for printing your own perfect cards. However, this is not an exhaustive list and there are many other products that can make your job even easier or help you add other touches and details to your printed cards. This includes things such as holograms and more.

Benefits to Printing Your Own Plastic Cards

If you aren't already convinced that printing your own cards is the way to go, it's time to consider the cost benefits. Who doesn't like to save money? So why spend more money that you have to? It just doesn't make sense. Common sense tells you that if there is a cheaper, better way, you should act on it.

If you're printing membership cards, ID cards or other plastic cards, printing them yourself can be faster, less expensive and easier once you learn how. Here are some of the benefits to doing it yourself:

-The cost per card is less expensive
-No penalties if you only need a small number of cards at a time
-You can change designs any time you want to
-You don't have to wait 2-6 weeks for your printed cards to arrive
-You have quality control and can quickly fix any mistakes to your cards
-You have complete control over the printing process and are not limited by a company's policies

As you can see, the benefits clearly outweigh the cons in a case like this.

Let's take a look at the numbers:

Full color printing through a company can cost you $0.75 - $2.00
per card and single color printing through a card printing company can cost the same. However, if you print yourself, you're looking at $0.35 - $0.38 per card for full color printing and $0.07 - $0.08 per card for single color printing. That's a whopping cost difference!

This is just the per-card cost savings. We haven't even mentioned what you will save on shipping as well as the fact that you can print as much or as little as you want without any penalties. With many commercial card printing companies, you must have a minimum order (often in the thousands) or you will be charged an additional service fee. What about the person who doesn't need thousands of cards printed at once?

But as we mentioned, it's not all about the money. You have the benefit of complete control over your card quality, printing time and any necessary changes.

For the Small Scale Printer

If you tend to need only a small number of cards printed at once then it's simply not cost effective for you to outsource your printing needs. If you are a small business who needs to print plastic cards for your employees, you won't benefit from outsourcing your card printing needs either.

When you print the cards yourself with your own plastic card printer, it may take past the first couple of prints to really start to see a good return on investment, but once you do, it will be well worth it. In the long run, you can benefit financially from your own card printer and you can feel satisfied with the professional quality of each card printed.

Check out ID Superstore for low prices on an id card printer. They also carry many other quality identification supplies, such as card printer ribbons.

By Shawn Shearer

I admit it. I'm technologically challenged. It took me a while to understand, let alone appreciate, the diversity and usefulness of USB.

What exactly does it do?

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. The first time I heard that, I imagined my days of driving a big yellow school bus and filling the seats with serial killers. Was this something I wanted in my house?

It turned out okay. I wasn't attacked or run over and I liked having these little USB's in my home. They were simple - just plug and play. Yay! Something I could understand. And I already have four available slots on my computer. I used to wonder what those were for.

My printer uses USB, as most do, I think. They are designed to replace parallel and serial connectors - you know those ends with all the little prongs. Many other things use USB these days, too. Keyboards and mice, PDAs and cell phones, game pads and joysticks, cameras and camcorders, scanners and copiers, iPods and MP3 players, lights and fans, and funky little add-ons.

There are these little rectangle things called flash drives or thumb drives or jump drives. They drive to the store for you really really fast and pick up your groceries. No, they are little storage units that will save your stuff with a USB pluggy thing on the end. These have been replacing floppy disks and CD storage.

The young tech-savvy guys I work with get excited to see an old floppy disk. Most of them have never seen one. It's like finding Elvis or one of his vinyls.

Most of this stuff I don't use ... yet. I tend to be technologically resistant. I finally started using a cell phone about two years ago or so. I'm trying to catch up, but even with all the cool things out there, we still run into limitations.

The USB stumper

I have only one USB slot on my laptop. I use my laptop to play music and watch television, but mostly to work on my novel. I like being able to move around while I'm working, or take it to another room, or another place entirely.

I only have one printer/scanner/copier. If I want to print something from my laptop, I've got to crawl under my desk, pull out my USB printer cable, plug it into my laptop, and then do everything in reverse when I'm done.

Plus, I only have one USB slot on my laptop! If I wanted to plug in some future prolific jump drive and a PDA, a fight could break out and I could get hurt. And what if I get more than four USB things to plug into my PC? I could have a device riot and my desk would be ripped to shreds.

Fortunately, there are a multitude of solutions. There are USB extenders that lengthen your USB reach. There are hubs that will split one USB port into many. Some of these also sit on your desktop so you won't smack your head on its underside anymore. No more stars and cussing. Unless you want to.

There are cards you (if you are brave) or your computer guy or girl can add into your computer to provide more slots. There are all kinds of cool adapters that convert just about any other weird plug or slide thingy into a USB one. These also work for those laptops that don't have any USB slots. How dare they!

Most of these things include wireless capabilities, too. Soon everything will be wireless, cables will become the new floppy disk, and there will be invisible signals dancing everywhere. Maybe they'll add laser lights and we can have little shows.

I've converted to the USB age. Yeah, it took a little longer than some of you, but I still have Watergate and flowers on my mind. Okay I'm exaggerating, but I know I'm not alone and I hope this makes it easier for others who feel a little overwhelmed by it all.

I still haven't seen that bus full of serial killers either.

Shawn is an experienced freelance editor, proofreader, and writer. An award-winning journalist, columnist, and trumpet player, her knowledge of performance will enhance your copy. Visit Editing, Proofreading and Writing With a Punch! for grammar, punctuation, and spelling snippets, a trade talk blog, and superior services for help with all your writing needs.

For some fun and entertainment, visit Shawniverse for stories, poems, and an unusually entertaining blog.

More information about computers, electronics, and stuff to buy at great prices backed by excellent customer service can be found at, where Shawn was the former editor.

USB Great

By Victor Epand

'Virtual memory' is a term that is heard from the day we are born in today's society. Everything virtual is more natural to younger generations than the trees of a park or the rippling water of a shallow creek. It seems that more and more can be stored and done by virtual methods every day. But, have we reached the limits of virtual memory usage or have we simply not found the depth of the well to date?

If we are talking about the amount of virtual memory available on the average desktop computer, then the answer is both. Since we haven't yet capped the size of the personal computer in virtual memory capacity, we can't truly know if we have found the bottom of the well or not. What we can ascertain is whether each individual spigot to the well has a depth equal to the algorithm that rules the ratio of all virtual memory on a system to the amount of available and usable virtual memory on the same system.

If your system has 4GB of available virtual memory, then only 3GB can be accessed and used. The additional 1GB is used for operational resources that allow you to run all those applications that are using the available virtual memory. If it were available, there'd be no memory space for your computer to keep track of all the applications running on your computer.

Each year, personal computers grow larger as we begin to demand more space for our daily lives in the virtual realm. Many people work from home and are finding that running a business on a computer requires large amounts of virtual memory. Computer manufacturers and designers listen, increasing the much coveted space available virtually for our use.

If the trend of growth in the size of computers increases as it has been for several more years at least, then we haven't come close to the bottom of the proverbial well. We have only dipped a few buckets and withdrawn a sampler of what's available. With this in mind, our current limitations won't be the same as our future limitations.

If you do try to run more than your computer will handle, your computer will complain with a warning that it can't run the requested application because it is out of memory. At this point, you can shut down applications you may not be working on and then run the desired application, or you can invest in some memory upgrades. Keep in mind that not all systems are capable of being upgraded easily, as is the case of the laptop computers. If you are forever finding yourself out of memory, it may be best to cut back on how many applications you run simultaneously.

Technology will keep increasing our available virtual memory, but for now there is a limit in the infinite world of virtual memory upon our desktops and laptops. Perhaps in ten years, that limit will no longer exist. However, maybe we already have plenty of virtual memory since more memory only indicates more work, more hours spent producing, and less living.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computer memory, PC supplies, and computer games. When shopping, we recommend the best online stores for PC supplies, computer, computer Memory.

By Randy Letter

AIO stands for "all in one" and MFP stands for multifunction printer/peripheral/product.
But what is difference between these two. Don't suppose to do same task. In fact they do same thing but in different scale and quality. AIO is small desktop used for home, the larger one is used for small office/home office (SOHO). But the MFP is used for large office desktop with additional parts and features.

The idea of AIO (all in one printer) or MFP (multifunction printer) came from the twenty first century people who don't bother to move because they don't have time and space for that. Therefore internet and easier compact, remote control technology created besides working from home to replicate the office environment in residential place.

How come all in one multifunction printer become so popular. Because it handles the issue of taking up all the office space with all sort of machines. In fact its combination of all regular office needs in one device. Multifunction printer can be offered in diverse functionalities and features depend on demands.

Before invention of all in one multifunction printer, it was vital to have all of different functionality devices separately and was such a mess to configure and place them. But now you just sit and by pushing the button, do all send and receive documents process like a piece of cake.

What are these Features and Fuctionalities?

• Printer: The major part that holds the name "all in one multifunction printer". It can be offered in various models like laser printer or inkjet printers. Also depends on type of usage can be designed in multiple paper feed size and type.
• Fax: fax or facsimile is a telecommunication for sending and receiving documents through telephone lines. MFP devices include this functionality which raises its capability.
• Scanner: Turning paper to electronic documents capability is another feature of all in one multifunction printer.
• Copy: Many times people need to copy a piece of paper which is for personal use at tax period or when sending out an office memo to all coworkers, copying is an essential piece of office equipment that is included in multifunction printers.

AIO for home users usually is not networked and connected with USB or parallel. Sometimes they have wonderful features which is lacking in larger desktops like smart card readers or connection to digital cameras. The SOHO the small home office size are usually networked and connected with USB and parallel. They may include document storage additional to print, fax, copy, scanner features.

Office MFP units are usually full featured. They beside the basic functions like printer, fax, scanner, copy may have advanced features like duplexing, stapling, holepunching, offset modes and booklet creation. They always networked and connected with USB or parallel.

At last Production Printing MFP are large freestanding expensive units which don't include advanced networking features like the smaller version but instead concentrate on functionalities like high speed, high quality output, finishing includes book making with cover insertion. They often divide in two segment, light and heavy printing production which factor of speed differentiate them. By the way, all multifunction peripherals divide by factor of speed (pages per minute=PPM) into different segments.

If you need more tips and information about printers, you may want to have a look at my printers blog

By Jim Hedgecoth

A hard drive is almost a must for personal computer users. Just like the one that resides in your computer, the storage capacity of an external hard drive has risen in the last few years. With the rapid storage changes, it is no wonder that people are often looking to upgrade and sell their old drives. People eventually find that they need a new one when they have run out of space or something happens to their old one.

When users need to get rid of their old hard drive upon arrival of a new one, they often do not realize they may be able to sell it. This is a great way to get some money that you can put toward what you spent on your new device. Selling it is simple, but you must make sure that you take the right steps in order to keep your privacy and maximize how much you make.

Get Your Hard Drive Wiped

If you are considering selling your portable hard drive, there is one step that you should always make sure you do. When you have removed all of the files you want from your old drive, you should have the it wiped. The process of wiping effectively wipes clean your drive so that none of your files can be seen. The process deletes everything, making for a fresh and new hard drive. This is a necessary must for two reasons. Most importantly, you do not want personal files to be given to someone else. Also as important, however, is offering a clean drive as a top selling point.

Ask for a Reasonable Price

You will not get back what you originally paid for when selling your portable hard drive. Knowing and accepting this basic fact can help you come up with a reasonable price to sell it at. Many people will balk at a price that is simply too high. Since you probably did not have to pay for the drive to get wiped clean, you should not try to talk this cost onto the user, as they will find another one that is cheaper to purchase. Just type in to a search engine "how to wipe your hard drive," and you will see many free solutions that will only take up your personal time.

Use the Internet

The Internet is the easiest and fastest way to get the most out of your external hard drive sale posting. By putting it up for sale online through auction websites, you are opening up your sale to the entire world, allowing anyone across the globe to bid and purchase it. You may also want to use the ever-popular, since it costs nothing to advertise products for sale.

When you follow these simple steps, you will effectively create sort of a process, if you will. By receiving a little cash, you may be able to better afford (if you haven't purchased one already) the size of portable hard drive that you are looking for. Selling may take a little time, but being patient may land you that much more money.

Jim Hedgecoth writes articles regarding computer hardware storage and other helpful information for I/O Magic Corporation I/O Magic is a premier Internet retailer providing the latest in computer hardware storage technologies such as USB Hard Drives, Portable Hard Drives and External DVD Drives.

By Low Jeremy

In a world where everything is almost at a fast pace due to modernization and modern technology, people are becoming more and more obsessed with the wonders of using new technologies to improve their lives and other people’s lives as well.

One of the greatest discoveries in the field of measurement is calibration. Known as the process of establishing a relationship between content and a measurement signal from any instrument, calibration has become popular especially in the world of research and laboratories worldwide. Some experts say that the relationship resulted from calibration does not necessarily be linear in many instances.

In fact, the correct number of calibrators that are used is quite dependent on the supposed shape of the measurement in response to its function.

Calibrators are also necessary in order to define the signal response to changes in the content of the specimens over the defined analytical measurement range. Here, the calibrator materials are assigned to fit a specific measurement system, thus, taking into account the differences between the two variables.

Aside from establishing a certain relationship between a content and a measurement signal, calibration is also helpful in determining the accuracy of the end results especially those used by method manufacturers or clinical laboratories.

For scientific purposes, the methods of calibration can independently validate the accuracy of the any calibration process, thus, maintaining a the traceability to test the best available reference materials or methods there are.


One of the interesting topics to discuss about calibration is the calibration weight. Tracing back to 1838, a scientist named Troemner was able to discover and provide a wide and extensive selection of calibration weights and mass standards.

Due to the reliability and credibility of his discoveries, the name “Troemner” is now synonymous to the ISO 9001 registered company that is one of the leading suppliers of calibration weights and mass standards across the globe.

Manufacturing and certifying calibration weights and mass standards to meet or even exceed the highest tolerance standards of the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM), the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) and ISO 17025, the company aims to produce quality calibration weights and standards that would provide the best option and alternative to as many clients as possible.

If you’re looking for a calibration weight, you must be able to identify first the qualities and the characteristics of a good calibration weight:

- It should favor calibration of balances with an external certified calibration mass.

- It should at least feature balance with internal motorized feature like internal calibration and external calibration because these are vital for recalibration or certification.

- It must be able to offers precision weighing balance that allows you to calibrate the balance yourself without requiring the services of an outside calibration firm.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

By Victor Epand

The upgrade of computer memory means to give the computer a new life to work and load something more than before. This gives the computer the capacity to store the data and files. It will also provide it great performing speed. The term upgrades of computer memory can denote several factors. There are different things that can come into consideration while upgrading computer memory: how much memory does the computer have, how much memory does it actually need, what type and how many modules will be used, etc.

Nowadays there are many types of RAM that are available in the market. But the computers are designed in a way that they will support only one particular kind of memory and not anything else. Under such conditions, therefore, the upgrades of computer memory will also depend on various factors.

If the user himself is thinking of trying to upgrade the computer then he should be sure of the memory type being used in the computer. For that a consultation with the manufacturer is a must. Otherwise there is the probability that the user may damage the computer instead of making it perfect.

Many people choose to buy a new computer when they suffer from the problem of lack of memory in the old one. This has often been noticed in case of those people who are not fully aware of the working of the computer and are only familiar with the primary functions of it. In such cases, those people should go for buying memory for the computer instead of moving towards the wrong task. The difference that can be brought in the computer just by the upgrades of computer memory is really amazing. People often find it very hard to believe it.

The process of upgrading the computer is really very simple and easy for which the person doing it does not need to lift the PC nor does he need to search for the handbook or the manual for further instructions. It consists of removing a small knot and placing a memory card in the blank space or replace it with the existing one. Then put the knot again in its place and make it tight. This is perhaps the simplest method of giving a PC a new look and a new life.

Thus we see that the upgrading of computer memory is very easy. The general users can try this out and see the quick difference. They can be glad that they have given the computer a good running capacity.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computers, laptops and software. When shopping for used computers, used laptops and used software, we recommend you shop at only the best online stores for used computer memory, used laptop memory.

By Victor Epand

The process of making a bootable USB is not as easy as it looks to be. This is much tougher than creating a bootable disc or floppy. The USB in many respects is considered to be a better alternative to the floppy drive. In certain aspects these are considered to be better than even the CD or the DVD discs.

The reasons for regarding the Universal Serial Bus Device better than these are many. One major difference is that these are more portable in nature. Moreover, the memory capacity and the protection of the data stored in them can never be compared with that of the other storing devices.

Let us now have a look at the functions and the facilities provided by these drives.

These devices can be connected to the CPU very easily and as soon as the drive is connected, the user is informed about it by a notice or by an indication of the connection of a new drive. In most computers, you have the option of inserting the device into a Universal Serial Bus port either in the back or in the front of the computer. For accessing a file stored in the drive or for sending a file into it, the user just has to copy the file from the device and paste in the computer and vice-versa.

The amount of data that can be stored in the USB device, or Flash drive, is really very huge and that depends on the capacity of the drive. The recent devices that are available in the market are credited with more capacity than the previous ones and therefore, are better than the earlier models. Easy to install and easy to erase, these drives have caught the fancy of users all round the world.

In contrast to the various merits of the device, the demerits are very few or even negligible.

Moreover, the fear of the data getting destroyed or corrupted is almost negligible in USB devices. The CD or DVD discs may get scratched and damaged very easily and therefore important data can never be stored in the discs safely. But it can be safely stored in the USB devices.

The quality of these devices also depends upon the company that has manufactured it. Some of the devices are not as good as those of the top brands. The prices for these may be a bit high, but the effort should always be to go for the costly one. The main reason for this is that the costly pieces will carry a warranty with them. Thus anyone who buys the flash drives of the reputed brands can at least have the freedom of handling and carrying it the way he wants to.

Thus we can see that a small gadget like the USB device has made the task of carrying the files from one place to another much easier than before.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computers, laptops and software. When shopping for used computers, used laptops and used software, we recommend you shop at only the best online stores for used computer, used laptop.

By Victor Epand

'Computer' is a most common household name. It is no longer a device that finds its use only in offices, but it is also used in homes for domestic purposes. Whether it is used for enjoying multimedia or for doing class assignments or for maintaining the house budget report etc, it finds its application in almost all the fields.

You also need a computer or other devices through which you can chat with your friends over the net. With a computer, you can correspond with your dear ones, and even can collect information on any desired topic through the search engines in the net. So you can imagine what a vital role your computer plays. But to keep its efficacy alright you need to upgrade your computer's memory. Let us move into some details on upgrading your computer's memory.

Are you wondering why you need to upgrade your computer's memory? The simple answer is that it will increase your computer's applications. Do you ever realize how? Memory cards enable your computer to store data. With the upgrading of the memory in your computer you can store more information in it. Memory upgrading is the most cost-effective way of upgrading, as it gives the best benefit for the bucks.

Upgrading the memory would assist you not only in browsing the web, but also keep you happy with the performance when multi-tasking. With more memory, you can run more than one program at a time with greater efficiency. It is most useful in families where different members use the computer for different applications. Upgrading also assists in increasing the speed of completion of the actions to be taken by the computer at your order. You can work on your computer with increased speed and competence.

Upgrading computer memory also depends on the amount of memory you need in your computer. The amount of memory you will need for your computer depends on the type of work that you would perform in the computer. Power users like those who play games, DVDs and create videos would like their computer memory to be a few gigabytes. Other users, for whom speed is not an issue, can make do with a few megabytes of memory.

It is sometimes noticed that the memory you need for your computer does not match with the memory slot in your computer. You need to have the right size of computer for the desired memory.

This is quite relevant in the case of laptops. Laptops are known for not providing more space for more memory. They can accommodate only a certain amount of memory in their cabinet. The users' manual and the web sites of the manufacturer of your computer will tell you whether your requirement matches with your computer's capacity or not.

When you first purchase your computer, your computer may not be loaded with enough memory. Just check with the manual of the computer. It would help to find out whether it can be upgraded or not. If it can, then you can upgrade your computer memory some time down the years when you would actually need it.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computers, laptops and software. When shopping for used computers, used laptops and used software, we recommend you shop at only the best online stores for used computers, used laptops.

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