By Jim Hedgecoth

A hard drive is almost a must for personal computer users. Just like the one that resides in your computer, the storage capacity of an external hard drive has risen in the last few years. With the rapid storage changes, it is no wonder that people are often looking to upgrade and sell their old drives. People eventually find that they need a new one when they have run out of space or something happens to their old one.

When users need to get rid of their old hard drive upon arrival of a new one, they often do not realize they may be able to sell it. This is a great way to get some money that you can put toward what you spent on your new device. Selling it is simple, but you must make sure that you take the right steps in order to keep your privacy and maximize how much you make.

Get Your Hard Drive Wiped

If you are considering selling your portable hard drive, there is one step that you should always make sure you do. When you have removed all of the files you want from your old drive, you should have the it wiped. The process of wiping effectively wipes clean your drive so that none of your files can be seen. The process deletes everything, making for a fresh and new hard drive. This is a necessary must for two reasons. Most importantly, you do not want personal files to be given to someone else. Also as important, however, is offering a clean drive as a top selling point.

Ask for a Reasonable Price

You will not get back what you originally paid for when selling your portable hard drive. Knowing and accepting this basic fact can help you come up with a reasonable price to sell it at. Many people will balk at a price that is simply too high. Since you probably did not have to pay for the drive to get wiped clean, you should not try to talk this cost onto the user, as they will find another one that is cheaper to purchase. Just type in to a search engine "how to wipe your hard drive," and you will see many free solutions that will only take up your personal time.

Use the Internet

The Internet is the easiest and fastest way to get the most out of your external hard drive sale posting. By putting it up for sale online through auction websites, you are opening up your sale to the entire world, allowing anyone across the globe to bid and purchase it. You may also want to use the ever-popular, since it costs nothing to advertise products for sale.

When you follow these simple steps, you will effectively create sort of a process, if you will. By receiving a little cash, you may be able to better afford (if you haven't purchased one already) the size of portable hard drive that you are looking for. Selling may take a little time, but being patient may land you that much more money.

Jim Hedgecoth writes articles regarding computer hardware storage and other helpful information for I/O Magic Corporation I/O Magic is a premier Internet retailer providing the latest in computer hardware storage technologies such as USB Hard Drives, Portable Hard Drives and External DVD Drives.


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